Sunday, March 18, 2012

For a Guy With a Limited Sense of Humor...

***(sorry about the quality, forgot to switch to night-mode)***
bonus if you turn up the sound we caught a little Aretha in the background
... you sure got a lotta toys...

"Go get the Republican, Skip!"


For the better part of a year Skip had little interest in toys. As a matter of fact until Zeb showed a particular facination with a bone shaped toy that was in the pile, he ignored both toys and treats. Luckily Zeb has had a wonderful life and therefore is a well adjusted, normal dog on whom Skip could model his behavior. For example when he first arrived I would give Skip a treat in the morning and come back after work in the afternoon to find it uneaten (but under strict guard). Anorexia was never one of Zebbie's issues and he's pretty much ravenous 24/7 ... Being a quick study, Skip learned he had best respond or miss out when Zeb absconds with his cookies.

      Skip now has a healthy interest in both food and toys and I no longer suffer the slings and arrows of his fury when I try to get near him while he is eating or playing. He will actually invite you to play with him instead of ignoring his toys or worse, sitting in ambush waiting for you to approach. Most often you will find him throwing them around the room which I will admit is cute, but... caused the inception of what is now referred to as the "monkey flambe incident";  which occured when "monkey" flew up in the air and came down on a lit candle...FYI: those "all natural fibers" go up pretty fast! 
You gotta love a guy who keeps smiling and takes it all in stride...

Thanks Lori ~

1 comment:

  1. I can only imagine how the "Monkey Flambe Incident" played out!!!
