Saturday, May 19, 2012

We now join Skip in attempting to once again perfect the oh-so-timeless technique of Skipper-Vision...

Featuring "Springtime at the Barn!"

Spring has brought a new flock of babies to the chicken coup . I think there are 18?!
Unfortunately this little gal was trampled her first week and broke her leg. Chickens are relentless little beasts and the older girls proceeded to pick on her pretty badly. A few extra weeks in the house, one good swat on the beak to her fiercest tormentor and she seems to be doing quite well. Thanks goes out to my brother John for a sage piece of advice passed down in grammar school, "...take out the biggest one and the rest will leave you alone..." 

There are a few new features at the barn. After years of weather and use, the old slate walkway finally gave way. To be honest, Zeb and Skip both had a part in the demolition of the old walk; they both managed to ingest a good amount of it (yeah, you read it right, they ate it...but don't worry, old age took Zebbie...yet, I won't be surprised if stupidity manages to do Skip in.)

The cupola fell from the top of the barn...and well, Skip is just too stinking short to get a good shot of the top of the barn thus the term "skipper vision."
There is a new one up there but you'll have to take my word for it.

This is actually down the road from the barn but Skip gets such delight from chasing them around that I thought we should include them. This year he seems to have figured out that staying away from the bulls is a good idea (see "Personality Traits" and "Skip the Conqueror")
...and now in keeping with the spirit of "Skippy Vision," we will present a number of "vantage-point" ground shots...
Trees are budding
It gets a little swampy out back...before you come to the trees...
a very small dog's view from the back porch
a very small dog...
(He looks a bit like the flying nun...yes???)

1 comment:

  1. Those shots are amazing have a budding career with that Skipper Vision vantage point.
