Saturday, March 24, 2012


In order to keep a true perspective of one's importance, everyone should have a dog that will worship him and a cat that will ignore him.

Friends have been known to comment on the amount of "funky" (bad?) luck in my life...but I maintain that for the luck I have, it's holding out. The question is if one invites their luck upon themselves or is it (as "luck" implies) a more external force?

For example, when my tour guide in England got killed during the tour...not my fault, would have never invited that one in or thought it inevitable...and yet people jokingly say "that could only happen to you..." well obviously not.. I wasn't the only person on that tour.
These same naysayers have said my life with skip has been unlucky, in that I've spent a small fortune (I didn't have) to make him well and he is by no means a low maintenance pooch...but I invited Skip into my life and made the committment toward the inevitable.

Stay with me cuz this is all leading up to something....It's not often that I get derailed by my "luck" but recently I have experienced a number of losses (people and things) not the least of which was Zeb (see Zeb~Big Man), but again...Zeb was a welcome entity in my life and all the pain of losses like these are worth the time and effort spent.

I have received an outpouring of support from people which has helped me shift my overall perspective  from: "holy crap, I can't take one more thing..." to: "maybe the reason the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence is because they take better care of it over there..."(ie I can keep doing the positive things that help me to remain proactive...)

There are times (despite how difficult it may be) when you know that striving to remain positive is the best course. This made total sense to me today when a group of people whom I  hardly even know ( you know who you are ~Meridian) gathered together to lend me their support. While I want to extend my thanks to all my friends and family, I know there are people who could slide by and choose not to and I want them to know how much I appreciate the kind of people it takes to do the exceptional thing... 

Thanks to everyone for their love and support...

       This is a little drawing called"cockatiel dreams" which I hope illustrates the potential of a more positive perspective...
and chocolate cookies never hurt anyone...


  1. Love your blog...Thanks so much for sharing... Miss you already and I am not even gone.

    1. OMG, Christa, its not like we even saw each other a lot and I miss your presence....thank god the booger men still live in my office! :)

  2. I know I do miss you but I think it is because we know we both do such great work and glad the booger men live in your office still... if you would like I can leave a few behind for you so you can always remember me. Remember at this time it is just leave. :)

  3. Nice blog. As you know, I vaccilate on the , "we attract what we experience into our lives," line. I do NOT believe that anyone "asks" or "invites" tragedies, though I agree that we can utilize them for invidual and collective growth. Some events are inevitable. All I can do with them is look outward and inward for support.
    Of course, if I purposely "invited" you; I am one smart cookie!

    1. I never underestimated your're sweet, thank you!

  4. Soooo was it luck that we met or was it YOUR "LUCK" that was at play, Hmmmmmm? Crap, don't answer could go either way! Regardless, it was a blessing :)

  5. I consider it one of my better luck days.....PS I am updating Jewellys pic in the friends page ....I had to steal this one as I dont have another of her! but this will do , yes????LOOOOOOOVE the little bow!
