Saturday, March 31, 2012


As  you know from previous blogs, Skip has embarked on a bit of a world tour...(well the little narcisist is hitting a few places before he moves along to France)...He decided to start in Italy and has been brushing up on his Italian.

Skip invites you to learn a few phrases that he has found to be the most shall we say "functional" for his current needs...

Do you serve turkey or duck here?
si serve di tacchino o anatra qui?

What's with all the cats?
che cosa con tutti i gatti?

But I was trained to poop outdoors!
Ma sono stato addestrato a poppa all'aperto!

You want me to ....where?
Tu vuoi che io ... dove?

If I were a CAT in this town this wouldn't be an issue right?
Se fossi un gatto in questa città non sarebbe un problema giusto?

Yes officer, I AM moving along...
ufficiale, mi sto muovendo lungo.

Ridiculous laws...cats got em wrapped around their pointy little claws
leggi ridicole .... gatti got 'em avvolto intorno le unghie a punta piccoli ....

I'm exhausted!
Sono esausta!


  1. sounds like he's got a little agida (how do you spell that?)

  2. Sono in modo da eccitato senta più circa le vostre avventure

    (I am so excited hear more about your adventures)
