Friday, February 17, 2012

Zoe kinda has this thing for B movies...sci-fi and black and white horror flicks are best ....the more ridiculous the better. For instance tonight, we are having a very productive evening watching "The Creeping Terror." It looks not unlike a giant houseplant made from old far we have established it came from another planet and it has eaten or shall we say "pollinated" 6 people. It seems to think girls with good legs and high ranking army officials are tastiest...
These were just a few of our (and I use that term loosely) favorites:

We recently acquired (from the best vet in the world, I might add...) a new rooster who (being an animal of diminutive stature), I have to say is ...quite a brute...he is ENORMOUS! ...and if you are to believe the picture you would think he has two heads in that he seems to have a cranium sprouting from places craniums just should NOT be sprouting...Need I say it? But he looks like a freakish mutant from one of those movies!
He scares me...

So now I present for your viewing pleasure...
(Thank you Randy and Sue for the title help..)


If anything weird happens...send the authorities to the chicken coup...Really~

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