Monday, February 20, 2012


So recently Skip and I were cruising the web...okay, if we are even gonna pretend to aim for virtuous here, I was cruising the web in an attempt to stave off insomnia (which does NOT work and is contrary to everything I read, preach and know   and Skip was most likely sleeping soundly in my spot on the bed. I came across a few blogs that I thought were particularly virtuous and made me rethink the small shrine I am currently errecting to my dog. But hey, ya need fun too yes?  So the following are some particularly well meaning blogs and perhaps you may find a few even worthy of support and followers: (a blog of just what it says, a daily act of random kindness) (go to home page for info on how to help provide safe drinking water for worldwide communities...this one is for you K-man) (provides pen pals for children who are physically ill) (a young man's site promoting donations for cleft palate surgeries for children in third world countries)  (answer trivia questions to feed the world) (provides free blog sites to help families of people with cancer) (you can choose a program to support (through reading) to provide books to schools around the world)

Being a dog of conscience, Skipper often spent afternoons in quiet contemplation
of making the world a better place...

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