Wednesday, February 29, 2012

  •  So here are all the entries from the Feb. Zoe's Corner Picture Contest....

      1. "Hold still Zeb, Ive seen Spock do this mind meld thing a thousand times..."
      2. boogie-glue!
      3. Wow rough nite.....when did I become so big and furry!!
      4. Wish I had a stud finder right now!
      5. Don't look she's right behind you.....I SAID DON'T LOOK!!!!
      6. Focus Zeb, FOCUS!
      7. I might be little but I'm still tough
      8. Ingrown poodle
      9. Siamese Dogs
      10.   Folks are on the edge of their seats to find out who will win the annual dog-staring contest
      11. You kiss with your mouth, not your forehead
                                        Thanks to everyone who entered!

             and the winner of this really cool (albeit cheap) sticker is...
     Nell ~ with "Focus Zeb, Focus!"

    ...the runners-up are ~Melissa with #5~ Cherri with #10~ and
    my personal favorite John with #8!