Thursday, July 19, 2012


Summer has arrived at the barn and I must say that despite Skip's advancing age he remains an off leash maniac managing to tree one bear and chase another that had scaled (well, flattened is more like it) the fence into the chicken coup. I wish I had pictures of the events but I have to admit they tend to reduce me to a blithering fool (see "Skip the Conqueror") and my primary concern is getting Napoleon to back off without getting hurt. So instead you get a more docile snapshot of life at the barn. Don't misunderstand, the only time Skip is maniacal is when faced with a challenge he can't possibly win. He really does spend the majority of his time as you see him below...

Where's Skip?

laundry day...
(no, no, he's helping...really.)

This is Skip's idea of "going to work" with Judi

   "Okay, so whose going out there? I'm not going out there...YOU go out there...
Do you even know what a bear is?"

"Oh, THAT"S a bear!?"

blueberry season


  1. Where is Eileen in the barn shot....probably out wrastling that there bear!!!!

  2. Photos are outstanding.
