Sunday, June 24, 2012


June 24, 2009

Setting: a local animal shelter, late afternoon

Characters: Vi (name change to protect the innocent): a very nice, dedicated (albeit
                          currently misguided) older volunteer
                  Skippy: a very snarky, vicious, unsuspecting as to the fact that he 
                  was about to win the equivalent of the poodle lottery, 14 lb. apricot
                  Me: an equally snarky, unsuspecting as to how much vicious could
                  be packed into a 14 lb. apricot  poodle, middle-aged volunteer

The Encounter:
Vi: Oh, I'm so glad you're here...could you take Skippy for one more walk?
       Dr.****** is here.

Me: Oh yeah, is he gonna see him?

Vi: Well he's with Daisy right now but then he's going to have to put Skippy

Me: He's so cute, why?!

Vi: He's mean! He keeps biting everyone! He's not trainable, he's too old...

Me: Hand him over...I'll take him....( I suspect she thought I meant for a walk,
        which actually did happen as we DID walk to my car) C'mon, Goofball...

Vi: I'll look for you when the Dr. is ready.

Me: I'm sure you will.

Setting: the parking lot of the local animal shelter, standing in front of an
                          open car door.

Skippy: Grrrrrrrrrrrr...

Me: Oh my Gawd, you little moron...get in the car! You wanna die? Cuz I'M
         gonna kill you if you don't get in the car!

Skippy: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr...

Me: C'mon, Man! We are gonna get caught! I'm just going up the
         get the chair! Get in the CAR!  Do I have to pick you up? You are NOT that

Skippy: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...................

Me:  You bit me! I'm gonna kill you! You little ....YOU ARE SOOOOOO DEAD!

Skippy: (smiling)...Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...

For more of the continuing saga, click on "Saving Skippy."




  1. Happy Anniversary!
    One of my excuses for not volunteering at shelters is my fear that I would take 'em all home. Thanks for documenting the realities of that choice.
    Glad you rescued Skip. Think he may have rescued you, too.

  2. I never tire of hearing that story......Happy Anniversary to you and the Skipster!!!!

  3. Happy Anniversary to my favorite Snarky couple! I'm so happy for you both! :)
